Reading Pickleball Players Association

Thanks to all the volunteers & players who made the 2024 Community Day Fundraiser a huge success

Thanks to Town Manager Matt Kraunelis, Select Board members Carlo Bacci, Mark Dockser and Chris Haley and Jackie McCarthy, former Select Board member, for participating

Thanks to Nancy P. for the Reading Pickleball Players Association branded merch & Linda Z. for logo design 

Thank you to the Burbank Ice Arena Authority who offered the potential site for dedicated courts on land that falls under their lease.

A huge thanks to Nelson Burbank, whose generosity helps keep Reading residents of all ages healthy and active.

 Thank you to the many town volunteers, Select Board members, elected officials and town employees guiding us through this process. We appreciate you!

 Many thanks to the players and supporters who came out to support dedicated pickleball courts as we continue to share our love of the sport with the Symond's Way Exploratory Committee (SWEC), Select Board, Reading Recreation Committee, Financial Forum.

Thanks to all the players and supporters of pickleball in Reading who have donated,  emailed / sent postcards in and signed the Citizen's Petition.

Timeline of Pickleball in Reading

Updates from the President

Greetings everyone, it has been a good year for outdoor sports of all kinds. A group of pickleball players formed and  incorporated the Reading Pickleball Players Association in January. We had a kick off fundraiser  in March 2023 to introduce RPPA to the Reading community. Our focus has been, and will continue to be, getting dedicated pickleball courts built in Reading.  

The sport is growing fast, as I’m sure you all are aware and courts are in short supply at the most popular times. When I first started playing on the old volleyball court there were maybe 35 people playing in Reading. About this time the volleyball court was repaved and lines were painted to create 4 (sub-standard) pickleball courts. Quickly the number of players grew to close to 100. In 2018 we were able to get the courts at Memorial Park dual lines for both Tennis and Pickleball and the growth continued.  

Covid, of course, had an impact on the sport, but after the initial shutdown phase, being outside with natural distancing was attractive to many new players. It is hard to estimate how many players are in town now but the RPPA email distribution list that is just getting started is over 400.  

RPPA’s first event in  March sold out in less than a day and the lessons sold out in minutes.  It is fun to see adults and children of all ages getting together to be active and social. I’ve made so many new friends and renewed so many relationships with people in town.

Pickleball is easy to learn and difficult to master which makes it a great sport for all ages regardless of skill level or athletic ability. You just need to find a group at roughly your level and have fun. 

The Reading Pickleball Players Association (RPPA) is dedicated to advancing pickleball and raising funds to help build dedicated courts. We strive to be good neighbors with everyone in town, especially our racquet friends in Tennis. While dual use courts at Memorial Park are great, they are in such high demand that very little tennis is played there. This is why we really need dedicated courts for pickleball. Courts that do not take away from tennis and do not add noise and congestion to quiet neighborhoods. 

Phase 2 of the Birch Meadow Master Plan included 8 pickleball courts near the existing sub-standard courts and basketball court.These were removed from the plan and replaced with basketball courts out of concerns for noise and congestion, (as well as foul balls).

We are working with the town to identify a location where courts can be constructed that will not impact our neighborhoods. We feel that the ideal location is near the Burbank Ice Arena, on the far side of the building, off Haverhill St on Symonds Way. This will require coordination with the Ice Authority, the Select Board and the Reading Recreation division. 

RPPA is poised to raise substantial funds for these courts once a location is identified.

See you on the courts.

- Mike Coltman, RPPA President 

Reading Pickleball Players Association (RPPA) was founded in 2023 as a community-based 501(c)(3) non-profit with a goal of mobilizing a diverse group of individuals and community partners to raise funds for the construction of dedicated, lighted public Pickleball courts in Reading, while maintaining strong connections with the town and the community and sharing the benefits of Pickleball with the community. 

EIN: 92-1796777